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Balis Teaching Schedule

To see Bali`s teaching schedule, please click here.


1)12 day Beginners Course in Brussels,BEL

Date:The course is split into 3 parts to coincide with the Belgian holidays.
Part I: February 10th-14th
Part II: March 26th-30
Part III: April 2nd-April 3rd

Massages available on the 31st of March and the 1st of April.

Place: Haein Yoga, Brussels, BEL
Programme: This is the full 12 day curriculum of the lahu village beginners course, set in the centre of Bruxelles, at lovely Haein's Yoga Studio. Fully certified by the Sunshine Network, a chance for beginners to receive an excellent base in thai yoga massage, repeaters to hone their skills, massage lovers to enrich their repertoire...All are welcome!
Contact,registration: Haein,

2) 7 day Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage with Bali, @ the 2nd Renaissance, Hvar Island, Croatia

Date: 30th of April - 8th May
Topic: A 7 day introductory course at the 2nd Renaissance, a one month Healing gathering organized at a lovely self sustainable community farm in Hvar island, Croatia. Comprehensive a intro to thai yoga massage, with taichi and vipassana training in the mornings, recommended also for repeaters, assistants, karma yogis, lovers of sea, sun, and exploration.
Website of the Healing Gathering: Please Click Here!
Contact, Registration: Vedrana,

3) 7 day Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage with Bali, at Wienchurka, near Krakkow, POL

Date: end of Spring, 2016, to be announced
Topic: A 7 day introductory course in good friend Mateus Flak's forest hideout in the Tatra mountains, about an hours drive from Krakkow. A full introduction to vipassana and taichi will be given in the mornings, followed by a complete 7 day beginners course in thai yoga massage during the day. Complemented by the great vegetarian woodfire cooking, and Krakkowian good cheer, this venue gives one of the best massage courses! Also recommended for repeaters, as a refresher. As the venue is quite remote, drop ins are not encouraged. Close to Germany, Slovakia, Krakkow, Poland.
Contact, Registration: Mateus Flak,

4) 12 day Thai Yoga Massage Retreat with Laurino and Bali

This is the full 12 day curriculum of the lahu village beginners course, with teacher training available, set in a retreat environment in Kisnyalka, convenient between Wienna and Budapest. If you send me an email, ill send back an infosheet with details of place, schedule, accomodation, prices etc. Then you can email me again to register if you wish to take part, and I place you on the list.

Website of the course: Please Click Here!
Date: 24th of July - 5th of August.
Location: Kisnyalka, between Wienna and Budapest, see bottom of this link.

6) Advanced Side Position Couirse with Laurino and Bali

Date:August 11th-17th
Place: Kisnyalkapuszta, Hungary (1,5 hrs from Wienna or Budapest)
Programme: For those who have completed a beginners course of 60 hours or more, this course will focus on the side position, aiming to give as complete massages as possible to those patients with difficulty receiving the other positions. In a western therapeutic context, these cases will be quite frequent, as many patients will be too stiff, heavy or fat to receive the other positions. The side position is the one most people usually sleep in, therefore it allows for a lot of relaxation and letting-go on the side of the patient. As a lot of the material is given from sitting on the ground, less work and effort are required from the therapist, with more fun involved with the dynamic rocking motions incorporated into the programme. The course also offers training for giving massages to pregnant women. The course will be followed by a vipassana retreat from the evening of August 18th to the 28th. Contact, registration: Bali,

7) Thaimassage in the mirror of Yoga - Lifestyle Camp

Date:October 28th-November 5th, 2016
Place: Kisnyalkapuszta, Hungary (1,5 hrs from Wienna or Budapest)
Programme: 7 day retreat in which a 60 hours thaimassage beginners programme will be taught, in partnership with yoga cleansing, a complete vipassana meditation training (every morning will begin with practice in Noble Silence), an ashtanga, hatha, yin or vinyasa flow session in the mornings, and a chakra yoga session every evening, geared to the chakra or area worked on in the thaimassage sessions of the day.
Price: 96,400 HUF (about 300 E (including all teachings, food, and accomodation. The course materials, /tongue scraper, sesame oil for abhyanga, neti pot, book/ can be purchesed at the scene, if you dont have your own, for a total price of about 20E. Please indicate if you wish to buy all or some of these.)
Infos: Bali,

8) 6 day Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage with Bali, at FreedOMe, DS, Slovakia

Date:November 19.,20.,26.,27.,December 3.,4. 2016
Topic: A 6 day introductory course in good friend Ivan Matis's great community centre, FreedOMe in Dunaszerdahely. Good as a intro to thai yoga massage, and also recommended for repeaters, as a refresher. Close to Praha, Bratislava, Budapest.
Contact, Registration: Ivan Matis,

9)"Hands Free" Advanced Workshop with Bali in Hamburg

Date: 11-13, November
6 - 8am: Vipassana Meditation & Taichi
9am - 5pm: Thai Massage Training

Topic: The workshop will be a 2 day course covering the full body massage without the use of hands. Preceded by an energy line and posture refresher Friday evening. Held in Hamburg`s only traditional south-indian Kalari, a sacral area for training and health. It will be taught in English with German translation if necessary. For information and registration please contact: Kai Hitzer

Courses of the Past:

2015 Courses:

1)Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage Pt.4

Date:January 24th-25th, 2015
Place: Haein Yoga, Brussels, BEL
Programme: on the first day of this workshop, we turn our patient on the belly, learn how to prop them up safely and comfortably, and proceed to work the back lines with a wide variety of pressures and stretches. The techniques introduced here focus powerfully on the energy lines of the back, and the stretches serve to open the hips, the psoas area, and the lower back. We will learn and practice beautiful "classic" stretches only used in traditional thai yoga massage, such as the locusts and cobras, the equivalents of sarvangasana and bhujangasana in hatha yoga. This is the part of the repertoire known as the Back Position. On the second day, we bring the patient up to the Sitting Position, and focus on the energy lines and therapeutic points of the shoulders, neck and head. An excellent programme for patients with "office diseases" such as shoulder pain, "monitor neck", headaches etc. The workshop is the fourth part of a series of 5 workshops giving a Sunshine Network certificate in traditional Thai yoga massage. Also open to total beginners who haven't done previous workshops, but who wish to experience a taste of traditional thai yoga massage, and to those already practicing thai massage, who would like to enrich their treatments with this material.
Contact,registration: Haein,

2) Advanced Workshop, "Hands Free" Thai yoga massage
Date: 14-15. March, 2015
Place: Budapest, Hungary, SriOm Studio (Kelenhegyi ut 15.)
Programme: 2 day advanced workshop focusing on giving massage without hands: fine-tuning the skills of working wth feet, elbows, knees.
Infos, registration: Bali (

3) Thaimassage in the mirror of Yoga - Lifestyle Camp

Date:March 20th-28th, 2015
Place: Kisnyalkapuszta, Hungary (1,5 hrs from Wienna or Budapest)
Programme: 8 day retreat in which a 60 hours thaimassage beginners programme will be taught, in partnership with yoga cleansing, a complete vipassana meditation training (every morning will begin with practice in Noble Silence), an ashtanga, hatha, yin or vinyasa flow session in the mornings, and a chakra yoga session every evening, geared to the chakra or area worked on in the thaimassage sessions of the day.
Price: 96,000 HUF (about 300 E (including all teachings, food, and accomodation. The course materials, /tongue scraper, sesame oil for abhyanga, neti pot, book/ can be purchesed at the scene, if you dont have your own, for a total price of about 20E. Please indicate if you wish to buy all or some of these.)
Infos: Bali,

4)Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage Pt.5

Date:April 11th-12th, 2015
Place: Haein Yoga, Brussels, BEL
Programme: we begin this workshop with the workout on the energy lines and energy centres of the neck, head and face. The most relaxing part of the massage, where the magic of energy balancing happens to bring benefit to our patient. The afternoon is devoted to review and revision of the whole repertoire from the beginning to the end, learning how to structure the massage according to the state of health, the flexibility, dimensions, and state of mind of our patient. The second day will be a day of guided practice and self practice, where students can begin to experiment with giving a full body massage. The workshop is the final part of a series of 5 workshops giving a Sunshine Network certificate in traditional Thai yoga massage. Also open to total beginners who haven't done previous workshops, but who wish to experience a taste of traditional thai yoga massage, and to those already practicing thai massage, who would like to enrich their treatments with this material.
Contact,registration: Haein,

5) 6 day Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage with Bali, at FreedOMe, DS, Slovakia

Date: April 18-19, April 25-26, May 2-3
Topic: A 6 day introductory course in good friend Ivan Matis's great community centre, FreedOMe in Dunaszerdahely. Good as a intro to thai yoga massage, and also recommended for repeaters, as a refresher. Close to Praha, Bratislava, Budapest.
Contact, Registration: Ivan Matis,

6) Thai massage demos at Everness Festival 2015

Date: 24-28 June
Place: Balatonakarattya, Hungary
Contact, Registration: Levi Varga,

7) 12 day Retreat in Thai Yoga Massage with Laurino and Bali

This is the full curriculum of the lahu village beginners course, with teacher training available, set in a retreat environment in Kisnyalka, convenient between Wienna and Budapest. If you send me an email, ill send back an infosheet with details of place, schedule, accomodation, prices etc. Then you can email me again to register if you wish to take part, and I place you on the list.

Website of the course: Please Click Here!
Date: 2015 August 2.-14.
Location: Kisnyalka, between Wienna and Budapest, see bottom of this link.

8) Thaimassage in the mirror of Yoga - Lifestyle Camp

Date:October 30th-November 7th, 2015
Place: Kisnyalkapuszta, Hungary (1,5 hrs from Wienna or Budapest)
Programme: 8 day retreat in which a 60 hours thaimassage beginners programme will be taught, in partnership with yoga cleansing, a complete vipassana meditation training (every morning will begin with practice in Noble Silence), an ashtanga or vinyasa flow session in the mornings, and a chakra yoga session every evening, geared to the chakra or area worked on in the thaimassage sessions of the day.
Price: 96,000 HUF (about 300 E (including all teachings, food, and accomodation. The course materials, /tongue scraper, sesame oil for abhyanga, neti pot, book/ can be purchesed at the scene, if you dont have your own, for a total price of about 20E. Please indicate if you wish to buy all or some of these.)
Infos: Bali,

9) Advanced Workshop with Bali in Hamburg

Date: 15-17, November, 2015
6 - 8am: Vipassana Meditation & Yoga
9am - 5pm: Thai Massage Training

Topic: The workshop will be a 2 day course of thai therapy, topic to be announced later. Preceded by an energy line and posture refresher Friday evening. Held in Hamburg`s only traditional south-indian Kalari, a sacral area for training and health. It will be taught in English with German translation if> For information and registration please contact: Lucie Beyer

2014 Courses:

1)Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage Pt.1

Date:March 8th-9th, 2014
Place: Haein Yoga, Brussels, BEL
Programme: The 2 day workshop in traditional thai yoga massage is intended as a taster for beginners, and as an enrichment workshop for those who already practice thai massage. With a thorough training in posture and body use, the workshop aims to lay the foundations of physically and energetically safe practice for both giver and receiver. With short theoretical talks on the spiritual foundations of the practice, the workshop aims to root our massage in the active practice of loving kindness and mindfullness. In terms of practice, the weekend will give us tools and knowledge to work the feet and legs of our patients in a lovely flow, which may be complemented further by repertoire building sessions later.
Contact,registration: Haein,

2) Advanced Thaimassage workshop: Side Position I.

In most beginners courses, it is emphasized that you can give a complete and balanced full body massage in the Side position. Indeed, with some pregnant women, back injuries, decubitus or big bellied patients, this is the only position you can use, as they are unable to lie on their stomach or back. This workshop, the first of 2 weekends, will teach the theoretical foundations of the side position, different ways of supporting and laying the patient, followed by a rich repertoire of technique, so we really do have enough material to give a full body massage in the Side! Open to anyone who has completed a beginners course.

Date: 2014, April 5.-6.
Location: Budapest, Rákóczí street 30.
Price: 20 thousand HUF.
Info, registration: Bali,

3)Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage Pt.2

Date:May 24th-25th, 2014
Place: Haein Yoga, Brussels, BEL
Programme: Abdomen, Chest, Arms and Hands.
Contact,registration: Haein,

4) 12 day Retreat in Thai Yoga Massage with Laurino and Bali

This is the full curriculum of the lahu village beginners course, with teacher training available, set in a retreat environment in Kisnyalka, convenient between Wienna and Budapest. If you send me an email, ill send back an infosheet with details of place, schedule, accomodation, prices etc. Then you can email me again to register if you wish to take part, and I place you on the list.

Website of the course: Please Click Here!
Date: 2014 August 3.-15.
Location: Kisnyalka, between Wienna and Budapest, see bottom of this link.

5)Introduction to Thai Yoga Massage Pt.3

Date:September 27th-28th, 2014
Place: Haein Yoga, Brussels, BEL
Programme: Side position, followed by a thorough revision and review of the front position material. This workshop is a continuation of our full body massage learning programme, which can be attended by a)those who have done the past 2 parts, by b)those who have done a beginners course before, and wish to repeat, and c)those who havent done anything in the past, but are interested, motivated, and wish to taste the massage. Massages can be booked with Bali in the days prior to the workshop, at the same venue.

Contact,registration: Haein,

6) Thaimassage in the mirror of Yoga - Lifestyle Camp

Date:October 17th-25th, 2014
Place: Kisnyalkapuszta, Hungary (1,5 hrs from Wienna or Budapest)
Programme: 8 day retreat in which a 40 hours thaimassage beginners programme will be taught, in partnership with yoga cleansing, a complete vipassana meditation training (every morning will begin with practice in Noble Silence), an ashtanga or vinyasa flow session in the mornings, and a chakra yoga session every evening, geared to the chakra or area worked on in the thaimassage sessions of the day.
Price: 76,000 HUF (about 250 E (including all teachings, food, and accomodation. The course materials, /tongue scraper, sesame oil for abhyanga, neti pot, book/ can be purchesed at the scene, if you dont have your own, for a total price of about 20E. Please indicate if you wish to buy all or some of these.)
Infos: Bali,

7) Advanced "Hands Free" Workshop with Bali in Hamburg

Date: 14-16, November, 2014
5,30 - 8am: Vipassana Meditation & Yoga
9am - 5pm: Thai Massage Training

The workshop will be held in Hamburg`s only traditional south-indian Kalari, a sacral area for training and health. It will be taught in English with German translation if> For information and registration please contact: Lucie Beyer

2013 Courses:

0) Lahu village - assisting Andrea and Laurino in the village,Thailand, Jan/Feb, 2013. Website:

1) Healing Connection: Thai massage meets Acroyoga.

Date: March 29-April 7
Teachers: Sophia and Winnie (acro), Zoltan and Bali (thai).
Place: Hoellbachhof, Germany (near Regensburg, beautiful retreat centre in the Bavarian Forest)
Infos, registration: Click Here!!!

2) Thaimassage in the mirror of Yoga - Lifestyle Camp

Date:April 26-May 3rd, 2013
Place: Kisnyalkapuszta, Hungary (1,5 hrs from Wienna or Budapest)
Programme: 8 day retreat in which a 40 hours thaimassage beginners programme will be taught, in partnership with yoga cleansing, a complete vipassana meditation training (evry morning will begin with practice in Noble Silence), an ashtanga or vinyasa flow session in the mornings, and a chakra yoga session every evening, geared to the chakra or area worked on in the thaimassage sessions of the day.
Price: 76,000 HUF (about 250 E (including all teachings, food, and accomodation. The course materials, /tongue scraper, sesame oil for abhyanga, neti pot, book/ can be purchesed at the scene, if you dont have your own, for a total price of about 20E. Please indicate if you wish to buy all or some of these.) Appropriate as a refresher to beginners courses in the Lahu village
Infos: Bali,

3) Advanced Workshop, "Hands Free" Thai yoga massage
Date: 27-28 June, 2013
Place: Kisnyalka,within the framework of the yearly Integrated Massage and Movement Camp
Programme: 2 day advanced workshop focusing on giving massage without hands: fine-tuning the skills of working wth feet, elbows, knees.
Infos, registration: On the camp`s website, Click Here!!!

4) Thaimassage in the mirror of Yoga - Lifestyle Camp

Date:October 25th-November 1st, 2013
Place: Kisnyalkapuszta, Hungary (1,5 hrs from Wienna or Budapest)
Programme: 8 day retreat in which a 40 hours thaimassage beginners programme will be taught, in partnership with yoga cleansing, a complete vipassana meditation training (evry morning will begin with practice in Noble Silence), an ashtanga or vinyasa flow session in the mornings, and a chakra yoga session every evening, geared to the chakra or area worked on in the thaimassage sessions of the day.
Price: 76,000 HUF (about 250 E (including all teachings, food, and accomodation. The course materials, /tongue scraper, sesame oil for abhyanga, neti pot, book/ can be purchesed at the scene, if you dont have your own, for a total price of about 20E. Please indicate if you wish to buy all or some of these.)
Infos: Bali,

5) Advanced "Hands Free" Workshop with Bali in Hamburg

Date: 22-24, November, 2013
5,30 - 8am: Vipassana Meditation & Yoga
9am - 5pm: Thai Massage Training

The workshop will be held in Hamburg`s only traditional south-indian Kalari, a sacral area for training and health. It will be taught in English with German translation if> For information and registration please contact: Lucie Beyer

6) Beginners course in Traditional Thai yoga Massage with Carla and Bali

Date: 19-30,December, 2013
Place: Lahu village, Thailand
For information and registration please contact: the Sunshine Network`s Website

2012 Autumn:

1) Thaimassage meets Yoga - Lifestyle Camp

Date:November 9-17, 2012
Place: Kisnyalkapuszta, Hungary (1,5 hrs from Wienna or Budapest)
Programme: 8 day retreat in which a 40 hours thaimassage beginners programme will be taught, in partnership with yoga cleansing, a complete vipassana meditation training (evry morning will begin with practice in Noble Silence), and an ashtanga or vinyasa flow session in the mornings, and a chakra yoga session every evening, geared to the chakra or area worked on in the thaimassage sessions of the day.
Price: 76,000 HUF (about 250 E (including all teachings, food, course materials and accomodation).
Infos: Bali,

2) Thai Yoga Massage beginners course in Nicaragua

Date:October 18-28, 2012
Place: Maderas Village, Nicaragua
Programme: full 11 day Sunshine Network beginners programme, with vipassana and yoga in the morning, 6 hrs thaimassage tuition every day. A session of surfing is also included, as we will be in a surfing centre.
Price: 1250 US, (incl. all tuition, food, accomodation, transfer from Managua)
Info, registration:

3)"Hands Free" Advanced Course in Nicaragua

Date:Oct 29-30
Place: Maderas Village, Nicaragua
Programme: 2 day advanced course focusing on giving massage without hands: honing the skills of working wth feet, elbows, knees.
Price: 225 US, (incl. all tuition, food, accomodation, transfer from Managua)
Info, registration:

4) 2012 Sept-Dec: Various courses in Budapest, email Bali for info!

2012 spring:

1) Traditional Thai Yoga Massage with Bali in Hamburg
The training will be a beginners course divided into two periods:
Part I: March 19-24 and Part II: May 8-12.

Beginners Course Part I
19th to 24th March 2012
6 - 8am: Vipassana Meditation & Yoga (optional) 9am - 5pm: Thai Massage Training
The first part of the course will focus on the front and side positions.

Beginners Course Part II
8th to 12th May 2012
The second part of the beginners course described above, this 5 days will focus on the back, the sitting positions, and the face massage.

It will be held in Hamburg`s only traditional south-indian Kalari, a sacral area for training and health. It will be taught in English with German translation if necessary, and a manual with photos will be provided.
For information and registration please contact: Lucie Beyer

2) Traditional Thai Yoga Massage with Bali (Balazs Nemeth) in Kisnyalkapuszta

Advanced Lower Back Pain Therapy

30.June to 1.July 2012

Lower back pain treatments and remedies in traditional thai massage will be in the focus of this 2 day workshop.

On the first day, we will introduce the main types of lower back pain (lumbago, hernia, slipped disc etc.) Their characteristics, main causes, and then have a look at how traditional thai massage deals with these. We will study the therapy points that can be integrated into our massage, the main energy lines and fragments to be worked, as well as the problems of moving and placement of our patient on the mat.
After ample practice, the second day will deal with the survey and practice of herbal remedies, focussing on the use of herbal compresses and heating packs in lower back pain treatments.
The workshop takes place within the framework of the Integrated Massage and Movement Camp 2012.

For information and registration please contact:
Bali (Balazs Nemeth)

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